
How is Your Mini Me? (aka Inner Child)- Part 1 of 3

How is Your Mini Me? (aka Inner Child)- Part 1 of 3

Everyone has a Mini-Me (aka Inner Child). Mini-Me can be any age and each person’s Mini-Me is unique to themselves. While influenced by their Mini-Me every day, adults are often not aware of him or her. Feelings of fear, anxiety, abandonment, shame, anger, withdrawal, and loneliness are often Mini-Me’s feelings. These negative feelings can originate from experiences and memories in childhood that were overwhelming or not properly processed. These experiences are often associated with the relationship attachment with the child’s significant caregivers.

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How is Your Mini-Me? (aka Inner Child) - Part 2 of 3

How is Your Mini-Me? (aka Inner Child) - Part 2 of 3

Unmet needs in childhood, such as inadequate nurture, security, love, attention, and encouragement become drivers of behaviour in adult life. The more neglected these needs are in childhood the needier Mini-Me can become. Whether the Adult self is aware of their needy Mini-Me or not, Mini-Me will do everything they can to get these needs met.

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How Is Your Mini-Me? (aka Inner Child) - Part 3 of 3

How Is Your Mini-Me? (aka Inner Child) - Part 3 of 3

We have already covered the first step of ’noticing’ Mini-Me in the previous blogs. However, to recap, by ‘noticing’ the negative feelings, and how and when they surface, a person can become aware of their Mini-Me and hence their Adult self. Once the Adult can identify Mini-Me, and what he or she feels, the Adult can then proceed to engage with Mini-Me.

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